The Fund for the Improvement
of Postsecondary Education
Learning Anytime Anywhere Partnerships
Information and Application Materials
Fiscal Year 2001
Deadline for Submission: March 15, 2001
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Authorizing Legislation from the 1998
Amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965
P.L. 105-244 SEC. 410A.
A of title IV (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.) is amended to read as follows:
Subpart 8--Learning Anytime Anywhere Partnerships SEC. 420D. FINDINGS.
Congress makes the following findings:
(1) The nature of postsecondary education delivery is changing, and new
technology and other related innovations can provide promising education
opportunities for individuals who are currently not being served, particularly
for individuals without easy access to traditional campus-based postsecondary
education or for whom traditional courses are a poor match with education
or training needs. (
2) Individuals, including individuals seeking basic or technical skills
or their first postsecondary experience, individuals with disabilities,
dislocated workers, individuals making the transition from welfare-to-work,
and individuals who are limited by time and place constraints can benefit
from nontraditional, noncampus-based postsecondary education opportunities
and appropriate support services.
(3) The need for high-quality, nontraditional, technology-based education
opportunities is great, as is the need for skill competency credentials
and other measures of educational progress and attainment that are valid
and widely accepted, but neither need is likely to be adequately addressed
by the uncoordinated efforts of agencies and institutions acting independently
and without assistance.
(4) Partnerships, consisting of institutions of higher education, community
organizations, or other public or private agencies or organizations, can
coordinate and combine institutional resources -- (A) to provide the needed
variety of education options to students; and (B) to develop new means
of ensuring accountability and quality for innovative education methods.
(a) PURPOSE- It is the purpose of this subpart to enhance the delivery,
quality, and accountability of postsecondary education and career-oriented
lifelong learning through technology and related innovations.
(A) IN GENERAL- The Secretary may, from funds appropriated under section
420J make grants to, or enter into contracts or cooperative agreements
with, eligible partnerships to carry out the authorized activities described
in section 420G. (B) DURATION- Grants under this subpart shall be awarded
for periods that do not exceed 5 years.
(2) DEFINITION OF ELIGIBLE PARTNERSHIP- For purposes of this subpart,
the term `eligible partnership' means a partnership consisting of 2 or
more independent agencies, organizations, or institutions. The agencies,
organizations, or institutions may include institutions of higher education,
community organizations, and other public and private institutions, agencies,
and organizations. SEC. 420F. APPLICATION.
(a) REQUIREMENT- An eligible partnership desiring to receive a grant under
this subpart shall submit an application to the Secretary, in such form
and containing such information, as the Secretary may require.
(b) CONTENTS- Each application shall include-- (1) the name of each partner
and a description of the responsibilities of the partner, including the
designation of a nonprofit organization as the fiscal agent for the partnership;
(2) a description of the need for the project, including a description
of how the project will build on any existing services and activities;
(3) a listing of human, financial (other than funds provided under this
subpart), and other resources that each member of the partnership will
contribute to the partnership, and a description of the efforts each member
of the partnership will make in seeking additional resources; and (4)
a description of how the project will operate, including how funds awarded
under this subpart will be used to meet the purpose of this subpart.
SEC. 420G. AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES. Funds awarded to an eligible partnership
under this subpart shall be used to-- (1) develop and assess model distance
learning programs or innovative educational software; (2) develop methodologies
for the identification and measurement of skill competencies; (3) develop
and assess innovative student support services; or (4) support other activities
that are consistent with the purpose of this subpart. SEC. 420H.
MATCHING REQUIREMENT. Federal funds shall provide not more than 50 percent
of the cost of a project under this subpart. The non-Federal share of
project costs may be in cash or in kind, fairly evaluated, including services,
supplies, or equipment.
SEC. 420I. PEER REVIEW. The Secretary shall use a peer review process
to review applications under this subpart and to make recommendations
for funding under this subpart to the Secretary. SEC. 420J. AUTHORIZATION
OF APPROPRIATIONS. There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out
this subpart $10,000,000 for fiscal year 1999 and such sums as may be
necessary for each of the 4 succeeding fiscal years.
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